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The Best Things in Life Are Free: No-Cost Internet Marketing

Marketing can be incredibly expensive. You want Madison Avenue quality, you pay the piper dearly. You want bang for your buck, you still have to hand over a few dollars. Thankfully, some no-cost internet marketing alternatives exist, and they should be exploited for all they are worth. Take a look at some of these free internet marketing strategies.

Free Internet Marketing Part 1: Forum Participation

Chances are, if you own a business, you or your employees are fairly invested in the target market of the company. From watches to furniture, cars to social niche sites, there is a forum out there for everyone. These forum sites are full of dedicated individuals obsessed with specific topics. These sites also have a multitude of visitors each month just looking for information.

Internet marketing is about engaging your audience. Simply enter in a search term like “Programming” and follow it up with the word “Forum” or “Message Board”. The results will astound and surprise. Join a couple of forums and participate. Participate does not, however, mean spam. Just jump in on some conversations and contribute. Before long, you will have a chance to mention your products or services. Quality participation often leads to serious connections and high level linking to your business website.

Free Internet Marketing Part 2: Commenting on Blogs and Media

This is similar to the aforementioned forum participation, but offers a completely different audience with different accepted behaviors. A quick read of a blog in your industry, a comment that adds to either the blog post or the conversation, and a link to your chosen page is a powerful activity. Blogs that are incredibly popular and that offer a large readership are the best targets, but even small, dedicated followings can show real results in blog commenting.

Tumblr, Blogspot, and independently owned blogs should not be counted out. Images and infographics can have incredibly active comment sections. Marketing requires consistent attention, so don’t be afraid to just browse around for a while to look for quality opportunities. Compiling lists of quality sites that are easy to contribute to is a valuable use of time.

Free Internet Marketing Part 3: Social Media (Not Just Facebook)

Social media is easily the most powerful, free tool available for internet marketing strategies. Facebook groups and posts are a good thing, but there are so many more opportunities for free internet marketing. Big hitters like Twitter, Youtube, and Google+ are always mentioned, but there are more specific ways to grow an audience for free.

Reddit, social niche sites, LinkedIn, and smaller, unheard of sites are powerful additions to a free internet marketing strategy. Any site that has a major following can, in turn, provide you with exposure and high quality links. Not all advertising is expensive. Sometimes, just sometimes, the best things in life are free.

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